[OFB Cafe] Joe Biden loves RIAA, DRM; hates encryption, George Bush

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Tue Aug 26 09:33:18 CDT 2008

CNET colleague Declan McCullagh has a superb analysis of Dem. vice
presidential candidate Joe Biden, who has an interesting (read:
depressing) voting history when it comes to tech issues.

In McCullagh’s own words: “By choosing Joe Biden as their vice
presidential candidate, the Democrats have selected a politician with a
mixed record on technology who has spent most of his Senate career
allied with the FBI and copyright holders, who ranks toward the bottom
of CNET’s Technology Voters’ Guide, and whose anti-privacy legislation
was actually responsible for the creation of PGP.”


Linux is an old Latin word meaning, "I don't have
to support your Windows anymore."

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