[OFB Cafe] Homeland Security: We can seize laptops for an indefinite period

Derek Broughton auspex at pointerstop.ca
Thu Aug 7 21:34:48 CDT 2008

On August 7, 2008 22:53:01 Peter Hollings wrote:
> Well, as I understand the Constitution to be the foundation of all law,
> this is illegal. They need probable cause and a judicially issued
> warrant to perform a search or seizure.
> Why are they not following the law? 

LOL.  Customs agents have never - since the fledgling US kicked out England's 
Customs agents - needed probable cause and warrants.  Or you might say they 
need probable cause, but that practically anything can be construed as such.  
They certainly don't need warrants to seize your property.

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