[CS-FSLUG] OT: Things People Should Never Say They Never Heard at Your Church

davidm at hisfeet.net davidm at hisfeet.net
Thu Jan 3 18:10:51 CST 2013

Number 1 misses the point completely. 1. "Being a Christian is more than
going to church and being a good person."??? Rather say that 1. "Being a
Christian is NOT going to church and being a good person." Biblicly it is
instead Being a disciple (follower or learner) of Christ.

Number 2 assumes too much, and couches the mystery in unbiblical terms.
The word "Trinity" explains nothing, and contains within its structure a
contradiction. It may be a bit more difficult to make the truth
understandable, but saying that God is one God in three persons is certain
to mean different things to different people depending upon their
understanding of "one" and  "persons". Properly understood the doctrine of
the trinity is Biblical. But the understamding of it (even among Bible
teachers) is woefully inadequate.

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