[CS-FSLUG] iPhone or not?

Micah Yoder micah at yoderdev.com
Tue Feb 24 03:35:11 CST 2009

Currently I'm using a piece of junk phone that my wife sent through the 
wash and barely works. (It was hers, and she needs a cell phone more 
than I, so we swapped SIM cards.) So I need a new phone.

Our AT&T contract is up for renewal in May.

I sort of talked myself into getting an iPhone then, for the easy to use 
web browser and the ability to surf the net anywhere (such as while I'm 
waiting in line), and because of the built in Google maps.  Sounds very 

However, in principle I would much rather have an open Linux based 
phone.   Would either the OpenMoko or the Android Dev phone satisfy my 
desire for features?  They are also more expensive (no contract, but I'd 
probably have to buy a data plan anyway).

Which would YOU choose?

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