[CS-FSLUG] WiFi phones

Frank Bax fbax at sympatico.ca
Sat Feb 21 12:37:57 CST 2009

Jim Isbell, W5JAI wrote:
> What is asterisk.  I use the magicjack

Asterisk is free open-source PBX software.  It's often used for VoIP; 
but with proper hardware adapters; you can interface with your local 
telco line and existing wired phones (like Linksys SPA3102).  Here's a 
video about Asterisk setup:

When I purchase a WiFi phone; I should be able to take that phone to any 
public WiFi access point in the world; connect (over internet) to my 
Asterisk server at home; then make a call using my home's telco line.

Asterisk can also interface with Skype; so that when the WiFi device 
connects to Asterisk server; it can go through Skype (similar to "9" for 
outside line at the office).

What is magicjack?


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