[CS-FSLUG] OT: Suspension of Nurse Who Offered to Pray for Patient's Recovery Sparks Uproar!

Jon Glass jonglass at usa.net
Sun Feb 8 13:45:08 CST 2009

On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 6:13 PM, David McGlone <d.mcglone at att.net> wrote:
> Gore thinks global warming is happening. Bush
> thought there were WMD's. But the Sarcasm was to point out that some people
> only believe what they want to believe. Fred never disagrees with anything a
> republican says or does, even when they are wrong, and always disagrees with a
> democrat even when they are right.

When was that? ;-)

But let's look at Algore and his global warming. Bush obviously
believed that there were wmds, because he behaved accordingly. Algore,
on the other hand, _says_ there is global warming, and demands that
everybody else behave accordingly, yet, for his own self, considers
himself exempt from the very behavior he demands for others. His own
behavior gives the lie to what he proclaims. More so, despite the vast
quantity of words, he has yet to offer genuine proof--only lies and
exaggerations (look at what the British government did with his
"film") Algore has done nothing consistent with his so-called beliefs.
Yet he is fawned over and lionized by millions of..... (you fill in
the blanks). In fact, I would go so far as to say that he holds those
who believe him with disdain. Why else the lies and exaggerations and
lifestyle that belies his preaching? This is the way of all true
elitists--exempt themselves from the rules they demand of everybody
else. (and it doesn't matter if they are "rightist" or "leftist")
Where has Bush ever shown himself "elitist" in his life and policy?
You may disagree with him, his policies, and such--and I do on many
points--but to compare him to Algore is truly unfair to Bush. In fact,
I would add that this is the vital area that separates conservatism
(not Republicans) from liberalism. Liberals cling to elitism--you need
the elites--the experts to "help" you. It is the realm of bureaucrats,
bureaucracy. Conservatism, on the other hand, is the firm belief in
the individual--his ability and his need to do it without "help" from
the so-called pros. Individualism, if you want a word. This word is an
evil word to leftists/elitists everywhere. Of course, they don't
understand what it means, and they cannot understand what it means,
but it is not "selfish" or "greedy," nor is it the rejection of
others. If you want a good illustration, look to the American west
during the time of the great expansion. Think of entire communities of
individualists, working together, strengthening each other, helping
each other. There is a strong sense of community amongst
individualists, but it is  a meritocracy, not a community that rewards
dependency and laziness. Socialism lifts up these as ideals, whereas
individualism lifts up hard work and strong effort. Algore is the
socialist, and Bush is the individualist. The two aren't even in the
same league. Can you imagine an Algore or Clinton or Obama sacrificing
their "legacy" for the sake of anything? Let me put it another way.
Can you imagine a Clinton, Algore or Obama expending _all_ their
political capital on a war, such as in Iraq? I don't think so.... That
is where the _real_ irony is.

 -Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
<jonglass at usa.net>

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