EnzoAeneas enzoaeneas at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 17:18:24 CDT 2008

OK. Just off the top of my head -- Is there such a thing as too
charitable? I can see where charity is given without wisdom, it can be
detrimental, but I do not know if we can every be too charitable.

But that is irrelevant to the topic. Without evidence or viable
consequences stemming from suspected actions, one should not lay
accusations. That being said, Obama is supposed to be in charge of his
campaign, so he is responsible for what it produces or affects. But if
"people are worshipping this man", the root problem is not that they
worship him, but that they worship ANY man. Were it not him, it would
be someone or something else. If his motives are truly altruistic -  I
chose that word specifically - then the onus is on both him and those,
like us, who recognize this to address the falsehood of these people's
worship or idolatry. That was way too wordy, but hopefully you get to
what I mean.

I absolutely agree with you about the fact that no one can hold him to
promises he makes during his campaign, but there will be consequences
if he does not make a "good faith" attempt at it. Remember George H.W.
Bush? Read my lips. No new taxes. That came back to bite him. Of
course, that's not saying that Obama couldn't Wag The Dog, and
distract people or blame Congress for his lack of progress. Any
elected candidate can and many have done the same. Political parties
have done this as well, across the world. So am I, myself as a Sinner,
supposed to hold the possibility that a man might sin against him?
It's absurd, it is a certainty that he will. It's also a certainty
that no matter who is elected, they will not accomplish everything
that they set out to accomplish.

But what I think you and many others are talking about is malicious
intent. That he intends to deceive, that somehow he is lying more than
the other guy or girl. That is a very serious accusation.

We can use his decision not to use public funding when he said that he
would as evidence that he has gone back on what he said that he would
do, but Obama would counter that and say that people should not be
denied their right to participate in the political process as they see
fit, so long as it is not contributing to corruption or breaking the
law. That is something held onto by people in both, yea even all,
political parties. Though, I tend to agree that candidates should be
restricted to public funding, but we all no that it won't stop the
mud-slinging, robocalls, disingenuous mailers, and all of the other
ills of the political process. It just attempts to lessen the
influence of large contributors and lobbyists.

To me, and this is my opinion, predicting what will happen during his
presidency is foolish, because not only are we not omniscient, but it
denies the influence and transforming power of our Lord. ANYONE, can
be changed by GOD. In our leaders, we may prefer that they be heading
in the proper direction at the time they are elected, but is that a
prerequisite for someone to be used in GOD's plan?
I mean I understand the fear, I have the same one myself:

Matthew 15:14	... they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind
lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

We've seen too much of that already. But I cannot see, not casting
both in the same light, equating them as politicians, and then basing
your decision on the bible. Making a villain of one versus the other
clouds or prevents the necessary objectivity when choosing leaders as
we have been so greatly blessed to have the privilege. And I don't
think that objectivity is counter to faith.

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 5:21 PM, Jon Glass <jonglass at usa.net> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 6:32 PM, EnzoAeneas <enzoaeneas at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Obama's lack of action on this contributes a problem that we all
>> already struggle with: putting other gods (little 'g') before GOD.
> Obama???? You are talking mr. cynicism himself! He is the person
> behind it all!!!! Don't even think for a moment he's not behind it.
> Listen to his speeches. They do something to give his voice a
> "god-like" quality. You are being far too kind to this man. BTW, he's
> now talking about his taxes not touching people who make under a
> hundred thousand, or 150 grand, or two hundred grand.... He's changing
> it constantly--and what did I say the other day. It matters not one
> whit what he says today--it will have no bearing on what he actually
> does or attempts to do. Don't be surprised to see him take your 401K
> either at this point. He's bad news--can't even call him a liar! He is
> more teflon than any before him. And you see, it doesn't matter what
> he says, because he's the messiah, and he will do what he wants, and
> people will go along with it. I have some audio of somebody asking
> some Obama supporters if they like him because of his politics or
> because of who he is. They all say for his policies, but agree with
> his pro-life stance, and for picking Sarah Palin for his running mate.
> Trust me, people are worshipping this man--just watch the network
> news, man. The media is panting over him! You are being way to
> charitable to him.
> --
>  -Jon Glass
> Krakow, Poland
> <jonglass at usa.net>
> "I don't believe in philosophies. I believe in fundamentals." --Jack Nicklaus
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