[CS-FSLUG] PD: Warning from Focus on The Family. I agree 100%!

Stephen J. McCracken smccracken at hcjb.org.ec
Tue Oct 28 09:20:44 CDT 2008

> Probably not. What you fail to see is a VAST difference between a Marxist...

What many fail to see is that God is not constrained by the politics of
man.  As Micah pointed out (thanks, Micah), there are other issues for a
Christian.  The "right" or "conservatives" more closely follow some
things that Christ teaches while the "left" or "liberals" follow other
things that Christ teaches more closely.  Some might even say that the
"right" actually would be closer to the Pharisees than true disciples
closer to the "left". Neither follows the whole of the teachings of
Christ. One could characterize the two sides as one following more the
moral laws of God and and teaching (or "imposing") morality and the
other as showing grace and mercy and "caring for widows and orphans".

As I said above, God is not constrained by politics.  He can build his
church in the communistic states of China and in a democratic state like
the USA or Europe the church can be in decline.

Actually, if you think about it, in the Bible people usually got off
track when things were more democratic.  The "majority rules" of
democracy got Israel in trouble with the Golden Calf, got them banished
in the wilderness for 40 years when ten of the twelve spies were afraid
to go into the promised land, got the world flooded in the time of Noah,
would have gotten Joseph killed rather than sold into slavery, and just
generally deteriorated society until God sent a prophet to turn things

Since when have we been called to lambaste those opposed to God?
Whatever happened to "love your enemies" (Matt. 5, Luke 6) and showing
the love of Christ (who died for us while we were still his enemies).
As in the other thread about Christians and Muslims reaching out to each
other, what's wrong about reaching out to others to show the love of
Christ rather than keeping an antagonistic stance where one doesn't even
have the chance to share Christ with others?

Just some thoughts.


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