[CS-FSLUG] PD: Warning from Focus on The Family. I agree 100%!

Micah Yoder yoderm at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 01:35:19 CDT 2008

Yeah, interesting stuff. First, I'm not a liberal by any stretch of
the imagination -- I've never voted for a Democrat at any level and
probably never will, and I generally appreciate the work of James
Dobson. I'm just a little concerned of over-zealous doomsday reactions
to a likely Obama presidency.

Some of it seems a bit over the top -- churches required to perform
same sex marriages? Churches are private property, so I can't begin to
imagine an argument that would require them to do that. AFAIK they
have always had the right to require their version of pre-marital
counseling, or some kind of standards, in order to use their

As for the rest of the stuff -- they will need to remember that there
are still a great many Americans with traditional values, and if they
offend them on this many levels, they will lose as bad in 2012 as
Republicans lost in 2006 and (apparently) 2008. That provides at least
somewhat of a check and balance.

I'm trying to see a silver lining in an Obama presidency. With any
luck, Democrats might scale back some of the genuine abuses of neocons
over the last decade -- Patriot Act, phone spying, etc. We can even
hope they'll get rid of the worse-than-worthless TSA, which seems to
be a Republican creation. Is it even possible that they'll reduce the
deficit? Shouldn't be difficult to improve on the Republicans' recent
horrendous record on that. Then there's technology issues like net
neutrality and patent reform. Something tells me the Democrats might
have a genuine edge there.

Not that all this is more important than millions of unborn, which a
liberal Supreme Court would directly threaten.

As for increasing gay rights and redefinition of marriage, I'm against
it in principle. But, I have to wonder if it is really something we
need to get worked up about, politically? We're in a republic, and
we're going to get the culture and rules that the people want. The
last part of Romans 1 is pretty clear what God thinks about that. He
gives people what they want. There were plenty of heinous activities
in the culture of Paul's day, but he didn't write to the church to
tell them to try to change the rules of the culture. He (and Peter)
wrote that we should lead holy lives in the culture.

So, what do we do? I'm convinced that while we should vote for people
who hold Godly views, that is not our main concern. Our main concern
is expanding God's kingdom and declaring His glory. We need to be
engaging our culture at every opportunity, pleading with them to come
to Christ. This can be done regardless of the political climate. And
maybe, just maybe, increasing "heat" on traditional Christians will
cause them to stand out from the fake pew-warming Christians, and
cause Christ to become more visible to others.

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