[CS-FSLUG] You ain't gonna believe this!

EnzoAeneas enzoaeneas at gmail.com
Mon Oct 20 15:25:56 CDT 2008

my response: I agree with your observation of mega-churches. Many
churches have been reduced to feel social clubs, devoid of messages
that would convict us as GOD's Word should.

2 Timothy 3:16
    All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable
for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in

They forget this and therefore they lead those who are saved away from
GOD and may cause those who are not to never receive Christ; trusting
in their own righteousness and not HIS.

Nevertheless, GOD is still on the throne. His will shall be done, and
no one can change this. Ours is only to be obedient and of good
testimony, and to sound the alarm and express the urgency to all who
will hear.

--Kevin James

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 3:52 PM, Fred A. Miller <fmiller at lightlink.com> wrote:
> I spent part of today writing this. Some will gladly read it, others
> will question, and some others will be mad, but those are the ones who
> will go to their death condemning the truth, only to find out later they
> were wrong. Oh well - here is the truth, like it or not. I felt it was
> of paramount importance to write and share it with everyone.
> Fred
> You'll see signatories to this like Joel Osteen, who inherited a mega
> church from his father, who also taught a false theology. You'll read in
> this "Yale Center for Faith and Culture letter to Moslems" asking
> forgiveness from the "All Merciful One"; stating that Christians, Jews,
> and Muslims all worship the same god; drawing theological conclusions
> about God from the Koran; referring to Muhammad as a true prophet of God
> and his life as exemplary on a par with Jesus Christ; and carefully
> making no reference to the deity of Christ or the Trinity.
> http://www.yale.edu/faith/about/abou-commonword.htm
> Now, there's a number of things of note about all this. First, MOST of
> the mega churches, like Rick Warren's church, have become NOTHING more
> than a huge social order. What evangelicals once did, adhering to
> scriptures from a real Bible like the King James or New King James, (not
> a revised pablum puking nicey nicey liberal rewrite - Rick Warren does),
> condemning and NOT condoning sin, does NOT happen in the vast majority
> of the mega churches, if not all of them. Many of the "pastors" of these
> churches like to criticize the Episcopal and other liberal
> denominations, but they are in fact NO better.
> Interesting isn't it, that the majority of the funding for the Yale
> Center for Faith and Culture comes from Sir John Templeton of England,
> who is a new ager, via a foundation he setup. The money is given by no
> other than closet Muslim Prince Charles. YES....he convert to Islam
> roughly 20 yrs. ago. The whole thrust of this is to bring about a "world
> church" which will bring together Christianity and Islam into one
> "faith." If you examine what's happened recently in the UK, allowing
> Shari laws, then you'll realize that the ground work for what's coming
> has been laid. Who knows what other pagan believes it will encompass.
> Muslims will go along with it for awhile. Remember, it's NOT against
> their faith to lie about anything, NOR do anything for the advancement
> of Islam.
> Once Queen Elizabeth dies, expect Charles to start moving in the
> direction of this "world church" which will establish it's "roots" in
> the UK. Also remember that scripture mentions that there WILL be a world
> church in the end days!! It's on it's way folks, and so is the time of
> persecution of REAL Christians!
> Christians will be the ONLY ones who will suffer persecution because
> Christians have been and will continue to be the ONLY ones who will
> criticize someone like Obama, Hillary, Reid, Pelosi and other liberals
> from a Biblical perspective. ONLY Christians hold all candidates for
> office to a Biblical standard, meaning that abortion, queers marrying,
> euthanasia, adultery, etc., are ALL issues that disqualify a candidate.
> Christians are the ONLY ones who WON'T support legislation that can't
> pass a Biblical test. Why is it that Christians are the ones who are
> hated so much by liberals? China and other communist countries provide
> the best answer - they HATE God's truth - his Word! Once someone is a
> Christian, his or her loyalty is to Christ, NOT the state or a dictator.
> Now that I've said all this, if McCain wins in Nov., some of all this
> will be abated because legislation that will allow persecution of
> Christians here in the US won't be passed, but if Obama wins, it WILL
> happen and probably sometime in 2009 because democrats will control both
> the Senate and House with majorities that can stop any attempt of a
> filibuster! Further, Obama will be able to replace retiring Supreme
> Court Justices with extreme liberals like himself. Any Constitutional
> challenges brought before the Court will fail. One of the first things
> that will happen is the loss of our 2nd Amendment rights because it is
> THAT single Amendment that protects ALL the rest in the Bill Of Rights!!
> Wannabe slave masters like Obama, Kennedy, Hillary, Biden, Pelosi, Reid
> and the rest DON'T want their slaves armed.
> The majority of Americans, NOT being Christians, would sell their souls
> for any promise of financial security. It has taken a little over 100
> years to liberalize the US, (Europe and Asia are already there), making
> ready for a one-world-government and the Antichrist.
> Some of you are going to think, "Man, Miller has really lost it." I
> would hope that you'd see the truth rather than that. But, if you don't,
> remember that you were told ahead of time what was coming. This is NOT
> just an old story folks, this has always been and IS still THE TRUTH -
> reality! The Bible DOESN'T have any errors! Prophecy has been SPOT ON
> through now - FACT! ONLY an idiot, pure bonafide moron, is going to
> question if the rest isn't going to happen!! You had better wake up and
> see it before it's too late!
> Fred
> --
> "Politicians and diapers need to be changed
> regularly -- and for the same reason."
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