[CS-FSLUG] [PD] The American Flag - I'm speechless...

EnzoAeneas enzoaeneas at gmail.com
Mon Oct 20 14:21:34 CDT 2008

Absolutely. Show me examples and I will do so immediately. I
personally have not found anything to associate Obama with "vile lies
and slander", but his supporters, as anyone looking to a man to
deliver them from their woes rather than to Christ for deliverance
from their sinful nature, most certainly could be; though I would ask
you to clarify on the racism and misogyny, since these do not
necessarily mesh with the electorate that he tends to appeal to.

As far as hatred of Christians, the entire World hates Christians. In
fact, those whose align with or pledge  themselves to the World, it's
methods and institutions, make themselves enemies with GOD, knowingly
or not:

James 4:5
Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the
world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the
world is the enemy of God.

Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject
        to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

but I can no more hold that as justification for hatred, ill-will, or
judgment against them them than the rejection of GOD by people I have
know most of my life: I can continue and pray that GOD softens their
hearts as he has done for countless others.

I mentioned the McCain's campaign, and I probably should have expanded
further upon this,
because from his record and past rhetoric, John McCain has to me
always seemed to disdain the tactics that his campaign now employs.
Some of the same tactics were used against him in the 2000 primaries.
This may be because his campaign has been using people that ran George
Bush's campaign from those years (Source: Frontline), but even still
from a Christian this is a terrible testimony to the love, mercy, and
grace given by our GOD. One can be totally correct, but the manner in
which they convey it is just as wrong as any other sin.
Simply: a Christian should be most concerned with obedience to GOD and
his testimony.

I do not mean to excuse anyone of their actions, but in my mind John
McCain is the elder here, both as a Christian and as a Statesman, and
has an obligation to set a better example, no matter how unfair that
maybe in the arenas of the world. The World does not govern us, GOD
does. Where he tells us to obey the World's laws we do so, where they
allow against or conflict with GOD's word, we do not and are obligated
to speak out against it. That being said, we are never to violate
GOD's law to do HIS work, or gain advantage or to strike back at those
who violate it without conscience or repentance or knowledge that they
are doing so. Our Lord will see to them.

I apologize if that sounds condescending or preachy; it is not my
intention to lecture to anyone nor do I think anyone needs my
lecturing. I wanted to respond to this thread in hopes that we would
all remember Jesus and his example, especially when the World seeks to
incite our flesh to action; I have seen too much of this among
brothers and sisters in Christ that I know and believe that it only
weakens us.

Thank you for the opportunity and GOD bless you,

Kevin James

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 1:19 PM, Jon Glass <jonglass at usa.net> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 6:34 PM, EnzoAeneas <enzoaeneas at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am ashamed to say that I have seen some of the most ill-begotten,
>> slanderous, false, and even worse, down-right irresponsible allusions,
>> insinuations, allegations, and statements that I have seen in a long
>> time, come from the McCain campaign during this election and while I
>> am in no way endorsing Barak Obama, I do have have to call into
>> question whether one can support or endorse one whose poor judgment
>> and consequently leadership have prevented him from definitively
>> stamping ouch such hatred, racism, or at the very least false-witness,
>> which damages his testimony and strains his relationship with GOD,
> So, since the Obama campaign has been equally guilty of race-baiting,
> and anti-women rhetoric, will you also condemn his campaign here? I
> mean, let's be even handed at this. People supporting McCain may not
> have been the nicest (and one can _hardly_ Accuse McCain of this sort
> of campaigning!), Obama himself has been guilty of the most vile lies
> and slander, and his supporters full of hate and the rhetoric of
> hatred, racism, misogyny and hatred of Christianity--more than I've
> ever seen in a campaign before. Will you also renounce his campaign as
> well?
> --
>  -Jon Glass
> Krakow, Poland
> <jonglass at usa.net>
> "I don't believe in philosophies. I believe in fundamentals." --Jack Nicklaus
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