[CS-FSLUG] openSUSE on eMac

Vincent Danen vdanen at linsec.ca
Wed Oct 1 12:16:40 CDT 2008

* [2008-10-01 11:55:51 -0500] Ed Hurst wrote:

>Vincent Danen wrote:
>> It's Mandriva, not Mandrake.  =)
>Humorous dig. I've had persistent and consistent bad luck with all the
>releases I tried, under all its names. I'm not hostile, just no longer
>willing to mess with it.

Bad luck indeed.  It has it's issues, as does any distro, but I've been
using every release for 10 years now and have never had a show-stopper.
Certainly better success than with anything else I've tried, although
each to their own, of course.

Vincent Danen @ http://linsec.ca/

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