[CS-FSLUG] Church Management Software

Jason Franklin jpfagapeu at mac.com
Tue Apr 8 23:51:01 CDT 2008

On Apr 8, 2008, at 9:21 PM, Fred A. Miller wrote:
> Isn't there a decent change of a problem when you add too many  
> "layers,"
> that is a combo of apps. when one gets updated and doesn't want to  
> play
> nice with something else? I'm just suggesting we take a long hard look
> at how complex we make this. MOST of the people who are going to use  
> it
> AREN'T very 'puter literate nor have anyone in the church who  
> is......as
> many of us have said here already. That's why I like the idea of a
> single app. or suite.
> Maybe I'm wrong..........just adding food for thought.
> -- 
> Fred  "Molon Labe"
> A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
> Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

Admittedly these posts have been coming so fast and furious I've not  
bee able to read each one.  As a church planting missionary I'm  
interested in church management software.

I'm not a programmer and can write barely one line of code.  I have a  
decent amount of experience in software QA though, especially end user  
testing.  As a minister in several churches, midsize and small I have  
to second the sentiment that most churches will be using people who  
know very little about computers.  Whatever it is, needs to be robust  
enough to be useful, but also intuitive enough to use that novice  
users will not grow frustrated and give up.

Jason P. Franklin
Westwood Bible Fellowship
pastor.jason at westwoodbf.com
web: www.westwoodbf.com

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