[CS-FSLUG] Church Management Software

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Tue Apr 8 23:11:14 CDT 2008

EnzoAeneas wrote:
> What about a variant designed with the same principles that runs on OO?
> That would allow light-weight deployment to  Linux, Windows, OSX, and Solaris.
> The problem with deploying to the desktop is that the data is
> difficult to secure and we all tend to forget to backup our data.
> How many times have you lost months worth of documents? Me, more than
> I want to remember, but the last few times, I had a backup.
> For more power and separation, the linux -based solution would be offered.
> A turn-key VM image could be deployed to other platforms without
> changing the code.


Why not just use OO......at least try it. Simple, complete, localized, 
and transportable.


Fred  "Molon Labe"

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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