[CS-FSLUG] Thanks for the help

edoc7 edoc7 at verizon.net
Sun Sep 24 20:53:41 CDT 2006

>> Also, Are there just two Bible programs available for Ubuntu? Gnomesword
>> for the gnome environment and Bibletime for the KDE environment? Those
>> are the only two that I have been able to find so far. I wish that
>> e-sword were available for Ubuntu... I've heard that some people have
>> successfully installed it via wine, but I've kinda' given up on wine at
>> the moment.
> Those are the best native to Linux and Unix. I use Bibletime on my 
> FreeBSD box. For the longest time it was broken in FreeBSD, but works 
> now. GnomeSword hasn't worked in FreeBSD since GNOME 2.2, and nobody 
> wants to fix it. There's also BibleDesktop (aka JSword), which runs in 
> Java. If you have trouble with Jedit, you may have trouble with JSword. 
> There really isn't anything else except the Sword-based stuff in OpenSource.

You might ask on the Puppy Linux forum.

There were several threads there about getting
Bible apps to run and I think JSword was among

There were also some threads re. Java and Puppy
and last I recall, and am experiencing, they seem
to have worked up a stable Java solution.


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