[CS-FSLUG] Changed to Ubuntu - Gnomesword once more

Hilding he7316575 at yahoo.se
Mon Oct 9 07:12:05 CDT 2006

Ed Hurst wrote:

>hilding wrote:
>>I have done this exactly in the terminal, and I can see the downloading 
>>of all files. When I then try to start gnomesword in the accessoaries I 
>>get the same message. "Gnomesword has unexpectingly been closed. Please 
>>contact the developing team" (roughly translated)
>Then it's broken. The developers will have to fix it. You might want to
>join the Ubuntu Forum to discuss it with the experts there. Of course,
>there is a small chance there is some setting in your home directory
>which is breaking it. If you have downloaded any modules from your user
>account, I have found that there is at least two English modules which
>cause Sword (the backend program) to crash. It may be true of some for
>your language. You might try removing or renaming your .sword folder.
>>Bibletime is composed for KDE. Is it possible to use Ubuntu and not 
>>Kubuntu for this program? I cannot change the session to KDE from GNOME, 
>>so I am a little bit confused.
>If you install Bibletime the same way you did Gnomesword, apt-get should
>take care of the dependencies. It will be a good bit to download, but
>there's no reason it can't work well running under GNOME.
I thank You for caring. I am not sure where to find the sword library, 
sorry to say. Do You mean that the downloaded file was not the correct 
one among quite a lot of mirrors, or do You mean that there was 
something wrong in the file. I have also been thinking of rpm-files with 
alien, but the rpm in Fedora5 was not so good.

I will try with Bibletime. I tried to get KDE as window manager but it 
crashed because of lack of space, but I will use sudo apt-get install 
bibletime in the terminal.

Regards from up north

/Hilding E

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