[CS-FSLUG] Proprietary Software: Capitalism or Greed?

doc edoc7 at verizon.net
Tue Mar 28 22:39:04 CST 2006

> Assume for the sake of argument that copyright doesn't exist. If you
> sell software, then you sell all of the rights to use it in any way
> possible (similar to selling an actual item, like a car). Let's say the
> software costs $200.

This is a straw man postulate because it rarely
if ever reflects the true contract.

The contract into which the buyer and seller each
freely enter (free market capitalism) states that
the buyer will only use the software on one computer
at a time and if they transfer ownership of that
one computer at a time license they will cease from
use of that software.

There is no coercion thus the contract is enforceable.

There is no violation of free market capitalism in
a real word postulate whatsoever.

> Someone pays $200 for your software. Then they make a perfect copy at
> almost no cost to themselves. They place it on a web site whose cost
> they subsidize from other work. And anyone can download a perfect,
> working copy, at no charge. How many other people will pay you $200? A
> few. But only a small percentage of those who end up using that
> software.

Most free market capitalism contracts at the purchase of
software only allow a copy to be made for personal backup
purposes, not for sharing.

The initial purchaser has committed a breach of contract
and is subject to civil prosecution.

> You will only get $200 per copy because of the government granted
> monopoly through copyrights. That is not a free market. Therefore it is
> not capitalism.

There is no monopoly because no coercion has been
demonstrated that forced the buyer to enter into
the initial contract.

HTH ...

Respectfully ... dmc

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