[CS-FSLUG] Blog: Forgot Linux?

Nathan T. celerate at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 10:05:43 CST 2005

The reason I want multimedia support is because we have a digital
camera that can take videos and I have a few of our little cat from
when she was very young and playful compared to the way she is today.
When I try to play these videos in Linux even with xine and the codecs
I had to get for myself there was no sound but rather a terrible
scratching noise cutting in and out through the entire video. My Video
card, an ASUS V9520 can record video from a device that's plugged in
to it and that is how I play my Nintendo 64 on my computer. I can
record what I'm doing as I play the game and watch it again later if I
want to but that is a pain in Linux because first I have to install a
codec for the video format.

As far as flash/shockwave player goes, I don't use it because it is
mostly used for advertisements and very annoying ones at that.

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 08:50:16 -0800 (PST), Chris Brault
<groundhog3000 at yahoo.com> wrote:


>  Okay, now what can't a fully
> loaded Linux distro do that a fully loaded Windows box
> do, in terms of common internet multimedia? Shockwave
> and porn. There are some other small proprietary
> plug-ins, but 99% of the problem is Shockwave and
> porn. Neither work at all in Linux. Sinec 76% of all
> internet traffic by 18-34 years olds in porn, I can
> see how this could be a drag.
> I will assume, then, that the problem is game support
> and not an addiction to porn. 


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