[CS-FSLUG] The family of Liveprayer

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Fri Mar 25 12:21:02 CST 2005

Wednesday March 23, 2005

My friend,

Over the past 66+ months, we have become like a family here at Liveprayer.
I have actually officiated over 10 weddings from people who subscribe to
this Devotional, have done 20 funeral services, and walked through the joys 
and pains with literally thousands of you in your very real day to day life
experiences.  Liveprayer is not, never was intended to be, or in any way is,
a church.  Your local church is a big part of God's plan for your spiritual
life.  However, for many who are not part of a local church, for many who
are looking to be fed spiritually in addition to their local church, this
has proved to be an incredible way of making that happen each and every day.

One of the reasons over 2,000,000 worldwide now receive this Devotional
every morning is because I refuse to avoid the difficult issues of the day.
Instead, I meet try to them head on and put them in the context of God's
Word.  I understands the incredible challenges of pastoring a church,
however, far too many preachers shy away from the tough issues.  Sadly, many 
do it because it may offend people in their congregation.  And may I be so 
bold to say, many fear it will offend those who give lots of money to support 
the church.

I have had many who have contributed to our work here at Liveprayer tell me
that they did not appreciate me dealing with certain issues and would no
longer give to Liveprayer.  I have told them that I am sorry they feel that
way, but my job is to do the best I can to share God's Word in relationship
to our faith, and I can't compromise that calling just because it may make
some uncomfortable..even if it means losing their financial support.

You see, we are living in the last days.  Recent events have made me realize
that I must do all that I can to get God's Word to as many as possible.  The
Internet is the greatest tool man has ever had to accomplish that goal.
Sadly, there have been hundreds of Christian Internet sites in the 66+
months that we have been online that received literally tens of millions of 
dollars of financing.  They are now gone, and the money is as well.

Why?  Their goal was to make money, NOT minister to the lives of people.
They wanted to become a Christian AOL.  They wanted to sell every trinket
and treasure known to man.  All have failed and in the process, cost their
investors millions and millions of dollars.  Why?  Because GOD IS NOT FOR 
SALE!!!! You can't barter the Word of God on the open market like hogbellies 
and soybeans.  They failed simply because their goal was profits, NOT souls.

I have often asked God why we are still here after 66+ months, doing what we
do each day to try and impact the lives of over 2 million people worldwide
every day.  Yet, we still battle month to month financially to meet the
need to keep an operation this large current and moving forward.  God told
me in my prayer time over this past weekend, that as long as we are faithful
each day, He will be with us, and He will always provide.  God said if you
are worried about money, the enemy has already showed you how overnight, you
can generate over $15 million a year and never worry about money again.

Indeed he has.  I could easily make the Devotional a paid subscription of
only $5 a month and retain probably 10% of our current subscribers and
immediately, that would translate into about 12 million per year in
revenues. We could sell advertising in our Devotional and website and generate 
another 3 million.  Yes, the pieces are all here to take a ministry to close 
to 2 million souls a day that struggles monthly to meet a $30,000 budget, and
overnight, translate it into an $15 million operation that only ministers to
about 200,000 but is incredibly profitable.

OTHERWISE!  THIS IS A MINISTRY...NOT A BUSINESS!  "Freely you have received,
freely give!"

*We have also refused to ever ask for money on the TV program, even though
that would easily bring in over 1 million annually.  The reason 95% of my
audience each night is non-Christian is largely due to that fact.  You cannot 
imagine the amount of credibility I have with that secular audience for not 
using the program as a fundraising vehicle!

Call me stupid, but God called me to share the hope and love of Jesus Christ
on the Internet to all that would receive His Word...for FREE!!!  So instead
of selling out, I will continue to do what God has called me to do, trust
God, and continue to share the fact that YOU play an incredible role in this
work each month.  After all, it is ONLY because of your prayers, your
financial support, that we have made it to this point.  In 66+ months, over
100,000 we know have committed their hearts and lives to Christ. Over
1,5000,000 praise reports of how God has stepped in and answered prayer.

This is simply a vehicle for God to get HIS Word into people's lives.  But
you have to realize, God has called YOU to be part of this plan.  We offer
the only LIVE 24/7 video feed on the Internet for FREE.  This Devotional is
now going to over 2,000,000 email accounts worldwide every day.  We send
personal responses back to over 40,000 prayer requests EVERY day.  All of
this is 100% FREE.  But of course, there are incredible technology costs,
staffing, etc.  However, by God's grace, we have been able to do all of this
for only $30,000 a month   Less than $1,000 a day.  Only God could do
that!!!  YOU are His instrument!

As we come into the last 8 days of this month, we are currently $11,800
short of fulfilling all of our financial needs for the month.   I am simply
asking you today to take a moment, pray, and ask God what he would have YOU to 
do to help me this month.  The Bible says give according to your ability.  I 
am not asking you to "pledge" a ridiculous amount of money.  Simply ask God
what He would have you to do to help, and than be obedient.

For some, it may only be $20 or $30.  For others, it may only be $50 or
$100. Still others can give $100, $500, and even $1,000.  I know that there 
are some reading this right now, that have been richly blessed, who could 
write a check today for the entire $11,800.  All I ask is that you take a 
moment, pray, and than be obedient to what God tells you to give.  God has 
always given His best to you, so please, give your best to Him.

You can make your gift on your major credit card through our secure server
on our website at www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" button, you can
give vial PayPal using my email address, bkeller at liveprayer.com , or you can
mail a gift to: Liveprayer 6660 46th Avenue North St. Petersburg, Florida 
33709 All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

I love you, and care about you so much.  I never forget for a second that
all that we do each day for so many, is ONLY possible because YOU pray, and
YOU give.  I promise that I will never shy away from the difficult issues of
the day, and we may not always agree, but we are of the same family, and our
number one objective is to bring people to Christ.  You help make that

Please take a moment to pray today, ask God what you can do to help
me make certain all of our obligations are met, and give what God tells
you to give.  Please know that you are in my prayers today, as you are every
day.  God has brought us together in these last days to bring the hope and
love of Christ to millions worldwide that otherwise would never hear that
message.  May he richly bless you this day, as we stand together...for HIS

In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller

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