[PD/TD] Re: [CS-FSLUG] Activist Republican Judge Says CA Marriage Law Unconstitutional

Aaron Lehmann lehmanap at lehmanap.dyndns.org
Mon Mar 21 22:14:34 CST 2005

On Mon, Mar 21, 2005 at 09:05:16PM -0500, Brian Derr wrote:
> Alvin I agree with your totally!  (Sorry Aaron, there is no grey area.)
> I am for God completely but there are those that choose not to be.  I
> cannot force them to live by a moral standard that I have chosen to live
> by.  I completely agree that the church dropped the ball.  The church
> should have had a much more active role in the forming of America than
> it did and we have no one to blame but the church for that.  This isn't
> the point though.  There still were and are immoral people that do not
> follow our beliefs and to take away their freedom of choice is not
> within our power.

Maybe I misread the "no gray area" comment.  I interpreted it to mean
that morality was "intuitively obvious to the most casual observer."
I agree that there's no middle way between for God and against him, but
I get irritated when people imply that it is easy to determine God's

> Kathy: Also agree with you that heterosexual couples raising children is
> how it is supposed to be.  God fearing couples raise productive and
> kindhearted citizens of both earth and Heaven.  I also believe we are to
> support normal marriage as a foundation of our society.  I personally
> cannot begin to think what life would be like with two married men or
> women but it is going to be a reality whether we like it or not.  Maybe
> not now or two years from now but it will be.  Our focus should be on
> winning souls for Jesus and not on creating a moral society from civil
> law.

Homosexual adoption is something that I imagine will happen.  While I
can't pretend to know whether this particular sinful lifestyle is better
or worse suited to child-rearing than any other sinful lifestyle, it is
true that sinful homes produce maladjusted children.  What I'm unsure of
is on what grounds the government could reasonably deny it.  "Faith,"
"tradition" and "gut feelings" make good heuristics in one's home, but
the government isn't set up to recognize them, and I don't know whether
it out to be.

We've sowed into the wind, and are reaping the whirlwind.  I recognize
that there are contradictions in my thinking.  For example, I'm willing
to fight abortion (although there's doubts in my mind about some issues
regarding that) forever, but I'm unsure about how to articulate the
place where I declare, "This is human, and this is why," in a way that
makes any sense without ultimately appealing to Scripture or Dr. Seuss.
Maybe there's been too much focus on "[Doing] all things through Christ
who strengthens [us]," and not enough attention paid to its inverse.  I
begin to feel that not only can I DO nothing of consequence without God,
I can't even THINK anything of consequence.

If the soul is immortal, and civilization is temporal, we probably ought
to worry less about beating the opposition, and more about converting
them...  Then there would be no opposition to beat.

I begin to think that maybe I should give in to the trend and get a
blog.  I've surely written enough in the past day to make one entry...

Aaron Lehmann

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