[PD/TD] Re: [CS-FSLUG] Activist Republican Judge Says CA Marriage Law Unconstitutional

Timothy R. Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Mon Mar 21 16:16:50 CST 2005

> True, I suppose.  But if the government removes rights to a specific
> subset of the population, they must have a very good reason why.  I
> don't think, "It's the way we've always done it," cuts it.

	Well, if certain rights are, by definition given by religious 
institutions, then the government should not step in and provide them 
otherwise (I'm not sure what these are either, but they could 
conceivably exist). For example, the government has some regulation of 
ordination, but the government ought not to start ordaining people 


Timothy R. Butler       Universal Networks      www.uninet.info
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