[CS-FSLUG] OT: MIT backs Brazil's choice of Linux over Microsoft

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Fri Mar 18 15:00:05 CST 2005

"SAO PAULO, Brazil--MIT's Media Lab has recommended Brazil install open-source 
software instead of proprietary software offered by Microsoft on thousands of 
computers that will be sold to the poor, according to a letter obtained by 
Reuters on Thursday. 

"We advocate using high-quality free software as opposed to scaled-down 
versions of more costly proprietary software," Walter Bender, director of the 
Media Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in a letter to the 
Brazilian government. "Free software is far better on the dimensions of cost, 
power and quality." 

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and several ministers may decide as early 
as this week whether free software or a simplified version of Microsoft's 
Windows will be installed on computers for a new effort called PC Conectado, 
or the Connected PC."


The only bug free software from MickySoft is still shrink-wrapped
in their warehouse..."

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