[CS-FSLUG] Church Accounting Software

Don Parris evangelinux at thefreelyproject.org
Thu Mar 17 14:08:36 CST 2005

I'm sure I'll get one or two responses on this, but do any churches use FOSS
accounting software?  If so, which software?  I am somewhat familiar with
MyBooks, which is much closer to QuickBooks than GnuCash is.  It's also a
commercial distro, and I'm not certain anymore about the licensing.  Some
folks will not want to use GnuCash, and KmyMoney simply ain't there yet in
my opinion.

Can anyone else weigh in on this?

evangelinux    GNU Evangelist
http://matheteuo.org/                   http://chaddb.sourceforge.net/
"Free software is like God's love - you can share it with anyone anytime

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