[CS-FSLUG] Ministry to get a new name

Don Parris gnumathetes at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 18:58:03 CST 2005

Our little house church ministry will soon have a new name. 
Apparently, too many people just can't figure out the name.  While I
am disappointed by the unwillingness of others to learn a new word, it
is clear that most people - even other clergy - are not willing to try
to learn how to pronounce "matheteuo".  I did not think it was all
that hard, myself.  I learned it from a book, and Crosswalk's Bible
Study Tools offers an audio clip.  Even so, educated and uneducated
alike seem to have trouble with the original term for "make

When we had more people involved, the group chose "matheteuo" by
secret ballot over other, easier names.  Outsiders just don't seem to
have caught on.  We will likely choose a name based on the local
vicinity where we meet.  Please pray for us, as changing names is
generally not a good idea.  In this case, it may be a good idea. 
Still, it's hard once you've grown attached to the name.  We'll have
to be sure to keep our hearts near and dear to the concept though.

DC Parris GNU Evangelist
gnumathetes at gmail.com
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