[CS-FSLUG] You are......

Leon Brooks xtiansrc at leon.brooks.fdns.net
Sun Mar 6 18:36:39 CST 2005

On Monday 07 March 2005 06:51, cyratt at netzero.com wrote from New York 
> Yes you are absolutely right He is dangerous to you and your master
> we call him satan, you are blind and you are taking your blind ideas
> and bashing a man of God when you have no understanding of His word
> for yourself.

Presumably this is a reply to Fred Miller?

If you are not a troll, then you need to have another _careful_ look at 
God's word. Use it for illumination, not for support.

> even if any man of God did get out of line

Which that one did, big time, and often. Not only got out of line many 
times but sued a believer (remember what the Bible says about that?) to 
cover up use of hallucinogenic drugs.

By their fruits shall ye know them - a phrase which I understand is 
misused and twisted against the advice of countless parables of Jesus 
by this very same nominal man of God to mean "by their worldly wealth 
shall ye know them". The available evidence says that your candidate 
man of God was and apparently still is no such thing.

Don't rely on miracles. If you read your Word anstead of listening to 
evilangelists, you'd have read where Jesus specifically says that 
deceptive miracles *will*be* performed by men claiming to be Godly.

> you tell me where God tells you you are judge, God deals with His
> own children and it is not your place.

True, but we are also called upon to warn of sin and sinners, in a 
believer more than in anyone else.

> David a great king and prophet had every right to kill Saul even
> after God had left him and He still would not lay his hand on Gods
> anointed,

Fred didn't lay hand on anyone. But he's also not exactly one to fall 
asleep at the walls.

> for God says in His word to touch not His anointed nor do His
> prophet no harm.

God says many things in His Word, and you've got an all-or-nothing 
choice to face when dealing with it. Yet here you're only quoting a few 
key texts and apparently ignoreing the other 700,000-odd words. Nor 
have you shown or even tried to show how this man qualfies as anointed 
or as a prophet.

> How is it a small group can think they will stand against the
> hundreds of thousands who do believe in the power of Jesus

The same way Gideon and his band stood up against a multitude who also 
had a faith based on spectacle rather than humility.

> Stop talking against Gods anointed and stop it now.

Show us how your man can be God's anointed and you've got a deal.

Cheers; Leon

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