[CS-FSLUG] NI: Sharon's End Game

dmc edoc7 at verizon.net
Sat Aug 27 10:14:47 CDT 2005

One of the reasons Christians live such troubled lives is because
instead of seeking after righteousness we constantly try to discover
how close to the fire we may dance without getting badly burned.

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and waddles like a
duck it is likely enough to be a duck to be called one ... nice
little rhetorical Texas two-step you did there but it sure still
reads like malicious partisan gossip to me.

I spent 10 years in the trenches of elective politics and I
tend to sniff-out partisan slander pretty readily.

It seems more Biblical to stay on the course we were on --
discussing the facts of the case and not speculating about
the nefarious secondary motives of one man.

Sharon is not a dictator and unlike Bill Clinton he doesn't
have enough complicit help in the media and his Party to make
these sorts of moves without getting his political head handed
to him were it nothing but diversionary tactics from lesser

Let's stick with historical, cultural, political, military,
and Biblical facts and leave the gossip to the pagans.


> I don't think that it is gossip per se. Gossip is, according to
> 'wordnet' (try 'dict gossip' from the cli) is:
> "a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people;".
> The article was exploring what the author supposed could happen based on
>  political happenings that have already occurred in Israel.
> In politics this is fair -- if there was any suspicion of [malicious]
> gossip then Sharon would have sued already.
> I found it quite interesting, but only interesting; certainly not
> something to expect to actually happen -- well maybe ;-)
> Blessings,
> Nigel

David M. Colburn, D.Min, MACo, etc.

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