[CS-FSLUG] A credible plan to take down the Internet

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Mon Aug 8 10:49:59 CDT 2005

A credible plan to take down the Internet
"Is there a secret plan afoot to take down the Internet? Well, actually, if 
there is, it's not that secret at this point. Ever since a security 
researcher at the Black Hat conference demonstrated how to, possibly, cripple 
the Internet by attacking Cisco routers, it's starting to look like, as 
Robert Vamosi puts it, "the bad guys have a head start." How imminent is this 


DON'T think for a min. that a country like China wouldn't do this, and 
probably WILL when they're ready to attack Tiawan, the USA, or whoever.


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our software, Never! We do have undocumented added 
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to you, at this time.

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