[OfB Talk] OfB.biz: Apple Debuts Intel Systems, Drops FireWire 800

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Tue Jan 10 13:27:37 CST 2006

Apple Computer’s Steve Jobs announced the first Intel-based Macintosh  
computers today during his annual MacWorld San Francisco keynote.  
Contrary to previously published rumors, Apple did not announce a Mac  
mini DVR or a plasma television.


Timothy R. Butler | "The theologian who labors without joy is not a
Editor, OfB.biz   | theologian at all. Sulky faces, morose thoughts
tbutler at ofb.biz   | and boring ways of  speaking are intolerable in
timothybutler.us  | this field."
                                                       -- Karl Barth

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