[Foss-cafe] LIST ADMIN Message concerning FOSS-Cafe and OFB-Talk Changes

Timothy R. Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Fri Apr 1 12:18:32 CST 2005

Dear List Members,
	It struck me the other day... how can almost the entirety of all 
computer users be wrong about what OS people should use? Clearly, they 
cannot be. Windows is clearly the best operating system for most jobs, 
and I do not feel I can continue to promote other OSes with a clear 

	FOSS-Cafe and OfB-Talk mailing lists will henceforth be merged 
together as the Windows Oriented Roundtable Messaging Talk list 
(WORM-Talk). These lists will concentrate on helping people move off of 
evil non-conforming OSes.

	Along side this, I am pleased to announce Closed for Business (CfB), 
which will be the successor to Open for Business. CfB will carry useful 
news for those seeking to migrate to Windows from lesser operating 
systems. Likewise, our ServerForest hosting services will be migrating 
from Red Hat to Windows Server System 2003, which will allow CfB to run 
on top of ASP.net.

	I'm ordering MSN Broadband this afternoon and will shortly be casting 
out GNU/Linux and Mac OS X in favor of Windows XP SP 2 on my systems. 
To insure that I don't lead anyone else into the heinous temptation to 
run a non-Windows system, I will be personally recycling all of my 
non-Windows hardware and software so that I can rest soundly knowing no 
one else will be lead down the wide path to computer destruction.

	Again, thank-you for your understanding during this transition.


Timothy R. Butler       Universal Networks      www.uninet.info
==================== <tbutler at uninet.info> ====================
| Christian Portal:      | Have you not learned great lessons |
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Presently on "Albert" (DP PPC 970 "G5" running at 2.0 GHz)

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