[Foss-cafe] May 1st.

Tink tink at svn.net
Sat May 1 06:31:28 CDT 2004


Just want to whish all who celebrate today's holiday and Happy Fête 
du Travail or Labour Day.

little facts:
Labour day was born in the USA. In 1884, a work congress met in 
Chicago and decided that from Ist May 1886 the legal length of the 
working day should be
fixed at 8 hours. That day, there was a vast movement of strikes and 
violent collision between the opposing forces of order and the 
strikers. The result was 6 dead and 50 injured. Four years later, in 
memory of the tragedy, the international socialists dedicated the 1st 
May to an international day of workers' demands.

In 1907 the demonstrators wore a sprig of Lily-of-the-valley in their 
buttonholes for the first time as a sign of struggle and hope.
In France the 1st of May has been celebrated since 1941. It became a 
paid public holiday in 1947. And this is why you will see sprigs of 
Lily-of-the-valley being widely sold.


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