[CS-FSLUG] How are you?

Cia Watson ciamarie at centurylink.net
Sat Sep 4 09:23:52 CDT 2021

I didn't even see the original message, just Eduardo's reply. I checked my trash folder and it's not there either.

Pretty sure I got the 'rona back in March of 2020. Then it took months to fully get over it. Turns out I was low on Vitamin D, so make sure you're taking some of that. I took a lot of Vitamin C to get over the worst of it. I spent time on Christmas with my brother and his family, and it turns out they were all sick with it by New Year's except me. So, that further confirms I'd already had it.

Not taking the so-called vaccine. I'm very suspicious of the agenda behind it, since they're not giving any heed to those that have natural immunity. I've also seen a lot of videos of people that have had bad (some very bad) reactions. Plus there have been more deaths from that in the last 9 months than from all other vaccines in the last 30 years.

As for working, I work for a bank so I've been working all along. I did get to work from home for a few months, but for the last few months I've been commuting to the office again. I've enjoyed the lack of traffic on the roads, but it's starting to pick up again.

I'm also getting involved in election integrity efforts. The amount of cheating that's been going on is eye-opening. I think it'll be an uphill battle, but hopefully we can get that moving in the right direction and have some honest elections for a change.

Hope you're doing well,
Cia W.

> > Well, the reminder of the email list came through and I was thinking
> > we had not had much discussion recently.  So I thought I would ask
> > how everyone is this Covid year...  Who all has gotten Covid, and how
> > did it go for you?
> > 
> > For myself, I have not gotten it, but my parents have.  They were in
> > the middle of a missions trip, driving on the East coast (they live
> > in Arizona), and had to quarantine on some friend's property.  They
> > lived in their tiny camper for 2 weeks until they were healthy enough
> > to creep back across the USA and get home.
> > 
> >      - Tim Young
> > 
> > 

Cia Watson <ciamarie at centurylink.net>

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