[CS-FSLUG] OT: Online Bank

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Mon Mar 25 15:46:26 CDT 2013

>> Fred, you could be quite right, although I figure since one's finances now travel through the cloud whether one likes it or not (think about how most checks are cleared as ACH electronic transfers, for example), I worry less than I use to. "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." :-)
> I'm not gonna go there, even though you thought I would....didn'tcha?  ;)\

Heheheh. :-)

>> I manage most of my banking and investment stuff online as it is. The only real reason I go into a bank is to make a deposit. I like my bank, although they've gotten on my nerves by switching my legacy accounts to a new type that includes a monthly fee unless I do direct deposits each month. Grrrr...
> Well, I know some who've had their accounts messed with, and they were ALL "on the cloud," NOT local banks. Not that it's a 100% safe, but it's a much better "bet" than a large non-local entity, AND much easier to deal with and straighten out something that's gone very wrong. I've lived long enough to have earned being paranoid and I'm not about to give it up and with out present Fed. Gov't...............  O:-) 

It isn't being paranoid if they really are out to get you....


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