[CS-FSLUG] OT: PC(USA) okay with 'gay' clergy

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Fri May 13 10:35:51 CDT 2011

On May 13, 2011, at 10:10 AM, davidm at hisfeet.net wrote:

> I don't find my disconection from their
> religious politics to be a hindrance in our organic relationship, and I
> doubt that their religious politics gives them any real spiritual
> advantage in dealing with others who are part of the same body politic.

Well, a good church isn't that way (at least primarily -- you put two or more people together and you always have some politics, the question is whether that is what is primarily driving the church) and, believe it or not, there are good churches.

There are reasons for being a member, as unattractive as it can be:

1.) Accountability -- as individuals, it is very easy for us to wander off into strange interpretations of Scripture. Placing us within a solid community protects us from that.

2.) The Breaking of Bread -- we are called to celebrate the Lord's Supper together in Scripture.

3.) Teaching -- having trusted elders who teach Scripture helps us to grow in our faith.

I have seen the ugly side of the Bride of Christ, but there is also a beautiful side. I think we have to prayerful seek the beauty. But, that's why am looking for ways to encourage Christians to do "house cleaning" in their churches. Part of this process is for those of us in the church to stop being lazy and contented and doing something about making the visible church act like the Church.


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