[CS-FSLUG] OT: PC(USA) okay with 'gay' clergy

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Thu May 12 10:55:17 CDT 2011

On May 12, 2011, at 2:42 AM, davidm at hisfeet.net wrote:

> One would hope so, but the history (and current condition) of apostate
> "churches" demonstrates that few will leave. The familiar is too
> comfortable. Remeber the old story about "cooking a live frog".

Indeed. Coming out of a church that was perfectly evangelical in its theology (in a major evangelical denomination, too), but was busy destroying peoples' lives... Most people cared more about maintaining their seats on the altar committee than stopping evil. If people can't muster care for something as non-abstract as abuse and blackmail, they won't do it for theology, save when the theological problems are with the "other guys."


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