[CS-FSLUG] Skype Alternatives

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Wed May 11 14:31:22 CDT 2011

Given the way Google has been acting recently, I wonder if being dependent on Google is really worse than Microsoft. And, Microsoft isn't nearly the beast of a company it once was... I'm not sure if the MS-Skype tie up will really be bad for anyone.


On May 11, 2011, at 2:03 PM, Josiah Ritchie wrote:

> One of the things that really makes Skype popular in my organization is the video capability. Our missionary care guys find great value in the non-verbal communication picked up over the video. Which SIP clients support this in a simplified way? The best alternative I have so far is Google Talk for that and it comes with other challenges, but is beginning to be sufficiently robust when paired with Google Voice (except for the international limitations).

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