[CS-FSLUG] Firefox brouhaha and Seamonkey

Ed Hurst ehurst at soulkiln.org
Mon Jun 27 14:01:35 CDT 2011

As I'm reading all the noise which follows on the very public comments
from a Mozilla bigshot that Firefox development will ignore the needs of
corporate IT, I was wondering if this same vision affects Seamonkey? I'm
not finding much on this through the search engines, and I don't doubt
I'm failing to use the proper search terms. Does anyone on the list have
a good view of this?

In other words, would someone trying to persuade their bosses to switch
from IE to a Mozilla product be better off promoting Seamonkey versus

Ed Hurst
Open for Business - http://ofb.biz/
Kiln of the Soul - http://soulkiln.org/
blog - http://soulkiln.myopera.com/

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