[CS-FSLUG] I need a quick way to edit quite a few html documents

davidm at hisfeet.net davidm at hisfeet.net
Wed Jun 8 08:58:04 CDT 2011

My web site has gotten badly out dated from lack of maintainence. I want
to get it back in shape.  One of the most immediate problems is that
(since we added a blog, and gave it the address that was the address of
the whole web site) every "home button" in every html file instead of
leading back to the old "home page", leads back to the blog.

I need a way to edit all of those html files with a "find and replace"
function to correct that (and other errors). I'm using Mint10 (nearly the
same as ubuntu).

I'd prefer a color coded html editor capable of multiple documents, but
even an effective method to do it from command line (if I can find
adequate and simple documentation) would do the job.

Any suggestions?


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