[CS-FSLUG] Windows kicks Linux to the curb

Frank Bax fbax at sympatico.ca
Tue Jan 27 07:14:02 CST 2009

Micah Yoder wrote:
> 2009/1/26 Fred A. Miller <fmiller at lightlink.com>:
>> Windows kicks Linux to the curb
>> Robin Harris: Windows 7 is the final nail in the desktop Linux market's
>> coffin. Unless Microsoft gets stupid on pricing, it is game over for Linux
>> netbook market share. Linux, we hardly knew ye -- on the desktop, anyway.
> Whatever. Not sure where he gets the idea that Windows 7 will run fine
> on netbooks. Have they somehow decreased its specs considerably? I
> thought it needed the same hardware as Vista.

I've also read several times that Windows 7 is expected to address the 
growing netbook "problem" for MS.  MS has kept XP-home alive for this 
platform only; other WinXP editions are no longer available.

As for hardware requirements; I guess it depends on how you read them. 
MS site states "minimum" requirements for Vista and Windows 7 are the 
same; except for Vista Home Basic, which "requires" only half the RAM.

Both Vista and Windows 7 have minimum 1Ghz, 1G RAM; 16G disk.

Of course; a system that satisfies only "minimum" requirements will not 
provide a pleasant "user experience".  I heard an MS rep state that 
minimum hardware for a "good user experience" on Vista is 2Ghz, 2G of 
RAM and a decent video chipset.  Vista even has a little applet that 
measures "user experience".

It's probably too early to say how a "light" version of Windows 7 might 
run on a netbook.  Perhaps they are hoping that netbooks will be more 
powerful by the time RTM of Windows 7 arrives.

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