[CS-FSLUG] EU says IE violates antitrust

Jon Glass jonglass at usa.net
Thu Jan 22 08:26:37 CST 2009

2009/1/22 Stephen J. McCracken <smccracken at hcjb.org.ec>:
> The difference is historical.  Microsoft made it *impossible* to remove
> IE and hard to use other browsers that were superior to IE.  They used
> their market monopoly to push an inferior product and drive other,
> superior, products out of business.
Apple makes Safari impossible to remove. And how did they make it
difficult to use other browsers? It's always been possible and even
simple to download and use other browsers. And the complaint of
"inferior product" is simply subjective. One reason that Netscape died
was because it became a bloated, slow and crashy program, while IE was
slim and trim, and didn't crash so badly (no browser avoided crashing
that I recall--at least on the Mac).

Let's face it, all the arguments against IE and Microsoft on this
matter are _subjective_, and, to be frank, at least on the part of the
EU, rather vindictive. It is not justice, and certainly not blind
justice ruling the day, but a desire to "stick it to" Microsoft.

And lest you think I'm a Microsoft shill. I have disliked Microsoft
ever since Windows 3.1, and have been a rabid (and I mean _rabid_) Mac
fan. Ask anybody on this list who's also been on Mac Ministry for more
than a couple years, and anybody who knows me personally--I have never
ceased ranting about the crud that people call "Windows".

It seems that this world has tossed off all pretense of balance and
fairness. Way to go socialism...

 -Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
<jonglass at usa.net>

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