[CS-FSLUG] Qt relicensed as LGPL

Jonathan E. Brickman jeb at joshuacorps.org
Sun Jan 18 07:56:50 CST 2009

>> Does Webkit do well in general?  I thought Konqueror was Webkit's original?
> I believe that Webkit was based on khtml, but they have since parted
> company. I wish Konqueror would use Webkit, but I don't think it does,
> based on my experience of its behavior.
> Speaking of Webkit, is there _any_ decent browser on Linux that uses
> it? One that could replace Firefox?
You're right:  Webkit is a _fork_ of Konqueror's engine.  I had read 
news a while back that Konqueror was on the verge of abandoning its 
unforked engine in favor of Webkit, but I guess that valuable move was 
lost.  Not too surprising to me, Konqueror (like Opera) has always 
seemed to me to be "on the verge" of being a reliable general-purpose 
web browser :-(

I found this paragraph with a few possibles:



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