[CS-FSLUG] Qt relicensed as LGPL

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Fri Jan 16 19:49:41 CST 2009

> Eduardo Sánchez wrote:
>>> What KDE really needs is to get someone from Mozilla over to run the
>>> organization. KDE reminds me a lot of Mozilla back in the bad old
>>> days when the behemoth later known as Seamonkey was Mozilla's main
>>> offering. It was too complicated and unwieldy. Firefox and
>>> Thunderbird are successful in large part because they are clean and
>>> easy to use, with great guis using commercial grade logos and icons,
>>> but also extensible for power users.
>> Oh no. I hate Firefox. It's a bloated mess. Why should I need a 10  
>> MB download for a single browser? Firefox is like a cancer. I use  
>> it because some sites (such as GMail) won't work with Konqui.

	Firefox a bloated mess? I've always thought of Firefox as the  
opposite -- lean and mean. Not as fast as Safari, but relatively  
close, very innovative and very flexible. And, it is the only piece of  
FOSS that has had enough sense to figure out how to market itself to  
end users successfully.

	How's it like a cancer?


Timothy R. Butler | "Turning and turning in the widening gyre
tbutler at ofb.biz   |  The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
timothybutler.us  |  Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
uninet.info       |  Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world..."
                                                 -- W. B. Yeats

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