[CS-FSLUG] IMAP email software

Micah Yoder yoderm at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 08:13:14 CST 2009

I've been using KMail for many years with POP and IMAP, without too
many problems. But I'm starting to think of switching to Thunderbird,
partly due to kmail in KDE4 not reflowing the page when I increase the
font size. When I increase the size of messages with tiny fonts, I
have to scroll sideways for each line. Really bad. Same thing in
Konqueror (which I like to use to read man pages, if nothing else).

I reported it as a bug in bugs.kde.org several weeks ago, not a single
response or acknowledgement. But it happens in Kubuntu and Fedora, so
I can't possibly be the only one seeing it.

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