[CS-FSLUG] IMAP email software

l4c at thelinuxlink.net l4c at thelinuxlink.net
Mon Jan 5 06:47:39 CST 2009

On Sun, 4 Jan 2009, Jonathan E. Brickman wrote:

> as the first step.  Yecch.  I also tried alpine again, and remembered why 
> IMAP was originally known as a terribly resource-heavy protocol originally: 
> alpine, like pine, doesn't cache anything, and (shockingly) is slower today 
> on my broadband than pine was in 1994 over my prized 28.8 with Slackware.

Curious..  I switch between Thunderbird and Alpine, but mostly use Alpine 
these days because it's FASTER!  I use it for 5 IMAPed email accounts 
(screen+alpine is a thing of beauty) some of which generate several 
hundred emails per day.  I never see any lag or poor performance there at 
all (well, unless my mail server is down for some reason).  Perhaps it's a 
version thing?  I am using Ubuntu 8.04 with:

lcf004 at linc:~$ alpine -v
Alpine 1.00 (DEB 882 2007-12-20) built Thu Feb 7 02:57:08 UTC 2008 on 
lcf004 at linc:~$

Lincoln Fessenden
Jeff-IT Linux Systems Administrator

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