[CS-FSLUG] New distro model (towards 0.4)

Jon Glass jonglass at usa.net
Thu Jan 1 15:31:55 CST 2009

2009/1/1 Jonathan E. Brickman <jeb at joshuacorps.org>:
> Agreed.  The catch is the delicate Unix-type system hierarchy.  Tell me, you
> clearly know more OS X than I: my vague impression thus far (I have just a
> few hours on it tops) has been that OS X has effectively two filesystem
> hierarchies, the Unix/BSD and the user-oriented.  Is this factual?

True. there is the typical /usr and /etc , etc. folder structure, but
it's all hidden in the Finder. Applications are frequently simply
bundled folders, with a folder structure within. And even X11 apps can
be an app bundle, with their own unix folder structure within. Gimp,
for instance, has its own usr folder, with its own lib, bin, share
folders. Are these sorts of builds called "static" builds? pointing to
a specific location in relation to the binary file? This is possible
in Linux too, because I have Firefox and Skype that do this. I have
never seen an app bundle, however, in Linux, that bundles these folder
structures into a single icon like OSX does. I supposed if you wanted
to get out of dependency purgatory, this would be the way to go, but
then, everybody would have to build their own dependencies together
with the app. I tried that with BibleTime on my OSX box, and....
well.... the results weren't pretty. ;-)

 -Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
<jonglass at usa.net>

"I don't believe in philosophies. I believe in fundamentals." --Jack Nicklaus

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