[CS-FSLUG] PD: Warning from Focus on The Family. I agree 100%!

Micah Yoder yoderm at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 18:28:29 CDT 2008

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 1:34 PM, Fred A. Miller <fmiller at lightlink.com> wrote:

>> As for increasing gay rights and redefinition of marriage, I'm against
>> it in principle. But, I have to wonder if it is really something we
>> need to get worked up about, politically? We're in a republic, and
>> we're going to get the culture and rules that the people want. The
>> last part of Romans 1 is pretty clear what God thinks about that. He
>> gives people what they want. There were plenty of heinous activities
>> in the culture of Paul's day, but he didn't write to the church to
>> tell them to try to change the rules of the culture. He (and Peter)
>> wrote that we should lead holy lives in the culture.
> I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one!

Ok. Like I say, I'm supporting McCain. Thought about going for Bob
Barr, but he's not getting any traction. (It was actually the pick of
Palin that sealed me for McCain, but in hindsight that *may* have been
a mistake. Things might look different now if Romney was his pick.)

And, I'm not really disagreeing that any of this is a problem, just
pointing out that politics isn't everything to a Christian.

I also worry that if Christians spend a lot of time railing against
"gay rights", it will turn people off to Christ.  I think many in the
"religious right" have done that.

>> So, what do we do? I'm convinced that while we should vote for people
>> who hold Godly views, that is not our main concern. Our main concern
>> is expanding God's kingdom and declaring His glory. We need to be
>> engaging our culture at every opportunity, pleading with them to come
>> to Christ. This can be done regardless of the political climate. And
>> maybe, just maybe, increasing "heat" on traditional Christians will
>> cause them to stand out from the fake pew-warming Christians, and
>> cause Christ to become more visible to others.
> That all NEEDS to happen no matter what happens with the election.
> However, if NOBama does get elected, it's going to be a LOT harder to do
> the above.

How so? The Holy Spirit isn't constrained by who is in office.
Arguably (or maybe not!), God's kingdom generally grows much *faster*
under regimes with views unfriendly towards Christians. Look at China
since it was "closed" in 1948! It virtually certainly now has a lot
more true Christians than the US.

In any case, I'm praying for a better outcome on election day than
seems inevitable at this point.

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