[CS-FSLUG] PD: Warning from Focus on The Family. I agree 100%!

Jon Glass jonglass at usa.net
Mon Oct 27 01:46:25 CDT 2008

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 7:35 AM, Micah Yoder <yoderm at gmail.com> wrote:
> Some of it seems a bit over the top -- churches required to perform
> same sex marriages? Churches are private property, so I can't begin to
> imagine an argument that would require them to do that.

The point of the letter was not so much as to create a doomsday
scenario, IMO, but to put all the potential outcomes into one, tight
letter. I doubt anybody would ever expect all of these scenarios to
work out, but every one of them is possible--at least
individually--under an Obama presidency.

As to the homosexual marriage element. The problem stems from the fact
that most churches are legal organizations--and like a store may be
privately owned, it is limited under US law (I didn't say under the
Constitution), as to their freedoms. Worse, because all such churches,
because they don't pay taxes, are considered by government types to be
_subsidized_ by the government! As such, the government considers that
they have a legal standing to foce churches to do what they want! More
so, since churches hold "public" meetings and invite the public, they
could be forced with some stretch of legal logic, into such
predicaments--and trust me, there are groups who are forcing things
today. Let them have their way legally, and they _will_ do it, just
because they can. They talk about "homophobia" and "hate speech" but
the real hatred is in their hearts.

As to some of the rest of what you said--yup. We are talking Roman
times again. Don't be too surprised....

 -Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
<jonglass at usa.net>

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