[CS-FSLUG] PD: Warning from Focus on The Family. I agree 100%!

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Sun Oct 26 23:40:02 CDT 2008


Obama spells 'persecution,' warns Focus on the Family

Analysts see same-sex marriage, Fairness Doctrine on horizon

Posted: October 22, 2008    10:53 pm Eastern
By Art Moore
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

What would America look like after four years of a Barack Obama

"Hardship," "persecution" and "suffering" are among the prospects in a
hypothetical letter from a "Christian from 2012" released today by
evangelical leader James Dobson's political activist group Focus on the
Family Action.

Titled "Letter from 2012 in Obama's America," the piece clearly targets
the many evangelical Christians seeking "change," particularly the
young, who could tip the election in favor of the Illinois Democrat. At
the end of the letter, the fictional Christian laments that these people
"simply did not realize Obama's far-left agenda would take away many of
our freedoms as a nation, perhaps permanently," pointing to a new,
liberal-majority Supreme Court unlikely to change for 30 more years.

"I get tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat," says the fictional
writer. "Now in October of 2012, after seeing what has happened in the
last four years," America is no longer "the land of the free and the
home of the brave."

"Many of our freedoms have been taken away by a liberal Supreme Court
and a majority of Democrats in both the House and the Senate, and hardly
any brave citizen dares to resist the new government policies any more,"
the letter writer says.

Focus on the Family Action, established as a separate legal entity from
Focus on the Family, has expanded abilities under the IRS code to lobby
for political change.

Carrie Gordon Earll, senior director of public policy for Focus on the
Family Action, affirmed to WND the letter is designed to address a
"concerted effort by Obama and Democrats to capture people of faith
since 2004."

"Certainly, I think, younger evangelicals may be swayed by the rhetoric
and charisma of Obama without really having the historical perspective
of what allowing liberal Democrats to control government would do," she

"I think a lot of Americans are not connecting the dots, that this would
be the first time since 1965 that liberals have dominated the White
House, Congress and, potentially, the Supreme Court."

Earll affirmed that Dobson has not endorsed Republican nominee Sen. John
McCain but plans to vote for him.

In a preface, Focus on the Family Action explains the letter is a "What
if?" exercise, but insists "that does not make it empty speculation,
because every future 'event' described here is based on established
legal and political trends that can already be abundantly documented and
that only need a 'tipping point' such as the election of Senator Obama
and a Democratic House and Senate to begin to put them into place."

Focus adds that evangelicals on both sides of the election should
"continue to respect and cherish each other's friendship as well as the
freedom people have in the United States to differ on these issues and
to freely speak our opinions about them to one another."

Nevertheless, the footnoted letter anticipates an America, under Obama,
that realizes the worst fears of Dobson and his millions of supporters.

Among the possible developments by 2012:

    * Six liberal justices sit on the Supreme Court after the immediate
resignation of John Paul Stevens and Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the later
resignations of Antonin Scalia and Anthony Kennedy.

    * Homosexual marriage has been ruled a constitutional right that
must be respected by all 50 states.

    * The Boy Scouts have disbanded rather than obey a decision forcing
them to allow homosexual scoutmasters. (The Scouts already had been
kicked out of public facilities because of an expansion of the 1964
Civil Rights Act to cover people who engage in homosexual behavior.)

    * Elementary schools have compulsory training in varieties of gender
identity. Courts rule parents cannot opt out their children, because the
training is deemed essential to psychological health.

    * Evangelical and Catholic adoption agencies cease to exist after
the Supreme Court rules they must agree to place children with
homosexuals or lose their licenses.

    * Church buildings are now considered a "public accommodation" by
the United States Supreme Court, and churches have no freedom to refuse
to allow their buildings to be used for wedding ceremonies for
homosexual couples.

    * High schools are no longer free to allow "see you at the pole"
meetings where students pray together or any student Bible studies even
before or after school.

    * The Supreme Court barred public schools in all 50 states from
allowing churches to rent their facilities, even on Sundays, when school
was not in session.

    * Obama signed the Freedom of Choice Act, as he promised the Planned
Parenthood Action Fund last year, nullifying hundreds of state laws that
had created even the slightest barrier to abortion.

    * The Supreme Court in 2011 nullified all Federal Communications
Commission restrictions on obscene speech or visual content in radio and
TV broadcasts, and television programs at all hours of the day now
contain explicit portrayals of sexual acts.

    * As a result of a reversal of its 5-4 decision in the D.C.
gun-ownership case, it is now illegal for private citizens to own guns
for self-defense in eight states, and the number is growing with
increasing Democratic control of state legislatures and governorships

    * Parents' freedom to teach their children at home has been severely
restricted nationwide after the Supreme Court followed the legal
reasoning of a Feb. 28, 2008, ruling by the Second District Court of
Appeal in California.

The letter also "recalls" a President Obama fulfilling his campaign
promise to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq, resulting in a flood of
al-Qaida operatives from Syria and Iran pouring into Iraq and completely
overwhelming Iraqi security forces.

"A Taliban-like oppression has now taken over in Iraq, and hundreds of
thousands of 'American sympathizers' have been labeled as traitors,
imprisoned, tortured, and killed," the letter says. "The number put to
death may soon reach into the millions. Al-Qaida leaders have been
emboldened by what they are calling this American 'defeat' and their
ranks are swelling in dozens of countries."

The letter also looks back at an explosion of terrorist bombs in two
large and two small U.S. cities, killing hundreds and spreading fear
across the nation.

"President Obama in each case has vowed 'to pursue and arrest and
prosecute those responsible,' but no arrests have yet been made," the
letter says.

Obama 'tested'

The hypothetical letter plays on vice presidential candidate Joe Biden's
warning to fundraisers last Sunday in Seattle that some hostile foreign
country will test the inexperienced Obama in his first six months of office.

In early 2009, the letter says, Russia "followed the pattern they had
begun in Georgia in 2008 and sent troops to occupy and re-take several
Eastern European countries, starting with the Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia,
and Lithuania."

But the Russians don't stop there, occupying over the next three years
former satellite nations, including Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic
and Bulgaria, "with no military response from the U.S. or the U.N."

By 2012, health care has been nationalized with a single payer system
patterned after the United Kingdom and Canada.

"The great benefit is that medical care is now free for everyone -- if
you can get it," the letter writer says. "Now that health care is free
it seems that everybody wants more of it. The waiting list for prostate
cancer surgery is 3 years. The waiting list for ovarian cancer is 2 years."

Care also has been limited for older Americans, the letter says.

"Because medical resources now must be rationed carefully by the
government, people over 80 have essentially no access to hospitals or
surgical procedures. Their 'duty' is increasingly thought to be to go
home to die, so that they don't drain scarce resources from the medical

Devastated economy

The letter says many Christians voted for Obama because they thought his
tax policies were more fair and his "middle class tax cuts" would bring
the economy out of its 2008 crisis.

"But once he took office he followed the consistent pattern of the
Democratic Party and the pattern of his own past record and asked
Congress for a large tax increase," the letter says. "He explained that
the deficit had grown so large under President Bush, and the needs of
the nation were so great, that we simply couldn't afford to cut taxes at
the present time."

Several of Obama's economic policies have hurt the poor most of all,
says the letter, because they have decreased production, increased
inflation and increased unemployment, leading to a prolonged recession.

"Tax rates have gone up on personal income, dividends, capital gains,
corporations and inheritance transfers. The amount of income subject to
Social Security tax has nearly doubled."

The effect on the economy has been devastating, says the letter.

"When critics objected that Obama's tax policies were leading to
inflation and unemployment, he responded that our goal should not be
merely to increase America's materialism and wealth and prosperity, but
to obtain a more just distribution of wealth, even if it costs everybody
a little to achieve that important goal," the letter says.

The Focus on the Family Action letter also sees gas at $7 a gallon,
because Obama has refused to allow any additional drilling in the U.S.
But many Democrats openly applaud the high prices since they reduce oil
consumption and thus lower carbon dioxide output.

Goodbye to talk radio

Another development is restoration of the "Fairness Doctrine," which
required that radio stations provide "equal time" for alternative views
on political questions.

As a result, "nearly all conservative stations have now gone out of
business or switched to alternative formats such as country or gospel or
other music. Conservative talk radio, for all intents and purposes, was
shut down by the end of 2010."

The fictional letter writer concludes that Christian share much of the
blame, having chosen Obama because they believed he "sounded so
thoughtful, so reasonable."

"And during the campaign, after he had won the Democratic nomination, he
seemed to be moving to the center in his speeches, moving away from his
earlier far-left record," the letter says. "No one thought he would
enact such a far-left, extreme liberal agenda."

Earlier in the letter, the fictional writer notes that after many
Supreme Court decisions, particularly those that restricted free speech,
Obama "publicly expressed strong personal disapproval of the decision
and said that the Supreme Court had gone far beyond anything that he
ever expected or thought that it would do."

"But he has also stated repeatedly that he had sworn to 'preserve,
protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States,' and, now
that the Supreme Court had ruled, he had no choice but to uphold the
law, for these decisions were now the law of the land."

Americans should have known what they were getting into by choosing
Obama, the letter says, his record "was all there for anyone to see."

"The agenda of the ACLU, the agenda of liberal activist judges in their
dissenting opinions, the agenda of the homosexual activists, the agenda
of the environmental activists, the agenda of the National Education
Association, the agenda of the global warming activists, the agenda of
the abortion rights activists, the agenda of the gun control activists,
the agenda of the euthanasia supporters, the agenda of the one-world
government pacifists, the agenda of far-left groups in Canada and Europe
-- all of these agendas were there in plain sight, and all of these
groups provided huge support for Senator Obama. The liberal agenda was
all there. But too many people just didn't want to see it. Christians
didn't take time to find out who Barack Obama was when they voted for
him. Why did they risk our nation's future on him? It was a mistake that
changed the course of history."

"Politicians and diapers need to be changed
regularly -- and for the same reason."

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