[CS-FSLUG] Junk mail filters

Greg Slade grgaslists at rogers.com
Mon Oct 20 18:05:11 CDT 2008

> I run Thunderbird, and would like to have it junk automatically stuff
> on CS-Flug that had nothing to do with Free Software or Linux.  Any 
> ideas?

I have a filter which looks for "OT: " (O, T, colon, space)[1] in the
subject line, and then marks anything which matches that pattern as
read, and moves it to my trash folder. I should really do the same for
the TD and PD tags. (My personal preference would be for PD and TD
threads to be banned from the list. IMNSHO, only messages which involve
Linux use in some kind of Christian context belong here. There are
hundreds of Christian mailing lists available[2], some of which are
specifically set up for debating. I'm not interested in debating in this
list, because I read it for work[3].)


[1] The colon and space are important, unless you also want to filter
out any messages which happen to include words like "bottom", "hot",
"robot", etc.

[2] See: http://freegroups.net/groups/cu/www/ctt/ap-b-mls.html

[3] For those who are already in my killfile, if you really think it's
more important for me to read your opinions than help support Linux
users, please send in money for my support, and then I'll remove you
from my killfile, and read all your opinions. (I do not, however,
promise to agree with a single word you say, nor care about the domestic
politics of a country where I don't live.)

Greg Slade
Andy Warhol said that one day everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.
Well, your 15 minutes was last week, but since you weren't ready, we
gave it to Britney Spears. Sorry.

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