[CS-FSLUG] a real question....

Jon Glass jonglass at usa.net
Fri Oct 10 13:10:54 CDT 2008

Actually, I have a question I've been wanting to ask for a couple days....

I'm using Ubuntu 8.04, the LTS version, and plan to stick with that
when 8.10 comes out in a few days. However, the version of BibleTime
that comes with it is 1.6.4, which is probably the most buggy version
I've used. Right now, I cannot switch Bible versions, add parallel
passages, or switch other modules. If I try to switch, the frame
closes. If I try to add, nothing happens. I have to hack the text
files for my saved windows to make changes. This has happened on both
my Mac running OS X and Ubuntu, and on my Wind under Kubuntu and
Ubuntu, and on my Dell, running Xubuntu. Does anybody know of a way,
other than compiling from source, to get a newer version under Ubuntu?
Does anybody else have this problem with Bibletime? 1.6.3 works fine
on my Mac under OSX, but I no longer use it for normal use, so it's
not very useful to me. If I were to compile the latest, does anybody
know if it has any new dependencies over 1.6.4? I have no desire to
get into _that_ round robin mess again (it was.... ahem.... "fun" in

So, any ideas on how to update BibleTime in Ubuntu?

 -Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
<jonglass at usa.net>

"I don't believe in philosophies. I believe in fundamentals." --Jack Nicklaus

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