[CS-FSLUG] openSUSE on eMac

Vincent Danen vdanen at linsec.ca
Wed Oct 1 11:39:07 CDT 2008

* [2008-10-01 09:16:59 -0500] Ed Hurst wrote:

>Eventually, I found more useful help for SUSE 11.0, and eventually got
>it to install and boot. It operates a good bit faster than Leopard and,
>of course, offers the support for all my Linux habits, which support was
>largely absent from OS X.
>I also tested Ubuntu 8.04.1 for PPC, but it wouldn't get past the
>loading phase. The screen went blank and nothing happened. It turns out
>there is a workaround, but I didn't find that out until much later. It
>seemed far more painful than the SUSE gotchas anyway. I note YDL no
>longer supports the eMac, and I'm not really fond of Fedora or Mandrake.
>I might have considered vanilla Debian, but I prefer something which
>tends to offer more automated configuration.

It's Mandriva, not Mandrake.  =)

And there is only an unofficial build of Mandriva for PPC, so you
wouldn't want to use that anyways if security and updates were any kind
of concern.  Fedora... can't fault you there.

Yellowdog doesn't support the emac anymore?  That's weird.  If they have
a distro that supports a G4, it should work fine on the emac.

SUSE is a decent distro.  I used it on an imac years ago for a little
while.  And yeah, there are some oddities... yaboot was lots of fun
IIRC, and other little quirks here and there.

Vincent Danen @ http://linsec.ca/

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